Estejam à vontade para seguir o Blog, e por favor, comentem!

Ele estará em contantes atualizações, pois cada dia, um novo sentimento, e cada sentimento, um novo eu. Bem vindo ao meu diário virtual!!!

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

sábado, 11 de julho de 2009


Muito bom! Realmente uma música marcante!

Over The Hills And Far Away
Composição: Gary Moore

They came for him one winter's night
Arrested, he was bound
They said there'd been a robbery,
His pistol had been found

They marched to the station house,
He waited for the dawn
And as they led him to the dock,
He knew that he'd been wronged
"you stand accused of robbery,"
He heard the bailiff say
He knew without an alibi,
Tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom

Over the hills and far away,
For ten long years he'll count the days
Over the mountains and blue seas,
A prisoner's life for him there'll be

He knew that it would cost him dear,
But yet he dare not say
Where he'd been that fateful night,
A secret it must stay
He had to fight back tears of rage
His heart beat like a drum
For with the wife of his best friend,
He spent his final night of freedom

Over the hills and far away,
He swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and blue seas,
Back in her arms he swear he'll be
Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and,
Over the hills and,
Over the hills and far away

Each night within his prison cell,
He looks out through the bars
He reads the letters that she wrote
One day he'll know the taste of freedom

Over the hills and far away,
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
Back in his arms she swears she'll be

Over the hills and far away,
He swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and blue seas
Back in her arms is where he'll be

Over the hills and far away,
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
Back in his arms is where she'll be

Over the hills Over the Hills
Over the hills and far away

Over the hills Over the Hills
Over the hills and far away

quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009


Muito bom, embora eu ache que o final não tenha sido conclusivo...

Mundi termini appropinquante

É chegado o tempo em que os últimos grãos de areia se esqueirão pelo afunilamento da ampulheta!!!

No final o ultimo grão se precipita para todos mesmo, mas dessa fez o fim será irreversível
by proxy

domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2009

Efêmeras flores:

A amizade é como rosas vermelhas: agradáveis a visão, singelas. Mas por quanto tempo? Flores murcham, assim como nossa amizade. Secou. E não adianta regar flores secas, mortas, não vivem mais, nunca voltarão a ser belas. E o que resta?Folhas secas que e espinhos que machucam. Apenas lembranças.
A vida se assemelha a canteiros de flores plantados em cemitérios: o que parece ser belo e perfumado não passa de superficial, escavando-se um pouco até certa profundidade, o que é belo apenas esconde caveiras de um passado podre!
by proxy
Quanto tempo eu levei para perceber isso!

My sound heart: